Friday, November 11, 2011

Last weekend, in review



{late fall colors}

{dinner at Chipotle/campus at night}

Last Saturday AChef and I found ourselves itching for a small adventure, and wanting to soak in a little bit of the cold, fresh November air.  We made our way downtown to Armory Square, where we picked up somewhere at the south end of the semi-new Creekwalk.  The creek that rolls through parts of downtown Syracuse, and into some of the outer neighborhoods, is something that I have, until recently, known to be less than appealing.  I remember it winding through some of the more intimidating blocks that I often drove through between school and home as a teenager.  And as a city-raised girl, I am not too easily intimidated.  I also have vague memories of crossing the creek downtown, my strongest memory being the scent eminating from the water.  Still, I wanted to give the creekwalk a chance.  

Some amazing things are going down in Syracuse in terms of urban vitality and artistic movements.  Though the creekwalk is a city project, it's still a move in the right direction, connecting small sections of vibrant city life to one another.  We began our Saturday afternoon trek promptly at Walton Street (only about a block from the true beginning of the creekwalk) and made it all the way to Franklin Square before we decided it was time to turn back in search of a nice Starbucks peppermint mocha.  Every inch of our travel on the creekwalk was infused with Syracuse iconography: Armory Square, Dinosaur BBQ, Niagara Mohawk, Franklin Square, Freedom of Espresso... 

I admitted something to AChef on our small jaunt down the sidewalk, something that I have such mixed feelings about, but I can hardly characterize as a negative emotion: I'm starting to love Syracuse.  YIKES!  Something I never thought would happen.  I never hated the city, but also I never anticipated wanting to live here as an adult.  Let's be honest, most people do not want to settle in the city they were born in, no matter how fabulous it is.  There are just SO many more amazing and diverse places on earth to discover and to set down roots!  Still, I am recognizing some truly unique things about Syracuse, and the Craft Chemistry/Funky Flea/Salt City Urban Market/30 Below/Red House/Armory Square type of life is hard to resist.  I want to be a part of it.  There is something truly appealing about a medium-sized city:  when amazingly artistic and innovative things begin to happen, it feels possible to be involved.

We ended last weekend's adventure day with Starbucks and dinner at the Chipotle on Marshall Street (yes, I admit it, I love mildly trendy eateries), but I was left with the lingering thoughts of where to nest next.  Who knows what's in store?  I can only hope for adventure and fulfillment.  I'll keep you in the loop.