Monday, January 11, 2010

January is for hibernating

I'm still here, I promise.  It's been two weeks since I last blogged, and though I'm still in denial, it's now well into January and a brand new year.  I'm trying my best to embrace these cold, dark days and to dive into new projects, but the incessant post-holiday and post-travel cleaning is wearing me down; I find myself just wanting to sink into the couch at the end of the day and watch whatever Harry Potter movie is on tv.

We've been back in the apartment for a full week, and those seven days have been packed full of coffee from my new french press, the aforementioned cleaning, and just a pinch of projects.  Last Monday, after we unloaded luggage full of dirty clothes and our Christmas loot, the first order of business was to slightly rearrange the bedroom.  Meaning we rotated the bed 90 degrees.  Sounds boring, I know, but it's nice to make a change, however small it may be.  It feels somewhat fresh. 

And so:  I'm keeping my checklist short for this month.  Home projects are on the horizon for January.  A crafty thank-you card project (stay tuned for pictures, perfecting my chocolate torte, and watching lots and lots of Seinfeld on the laptop (our new habit in 2010).  Anything to stay curled up by a fire.  New years resolutions might just have to wait until February :)